
Oatstraw contains Startch, silicic acid, calcium, high levels of Vitamin A, C, B complex, phosphorus, potassium, iron, mucin, and proteins. 


The very high levels of the B Vitamin complex feed the nervous system in its entirety. 


Stress reactions are minimized and/or reduced.


Sleep patterns improve.


Depression, anxiety, and headaches are all greatly reduced.


Sensitivity to pain appears to be highly diminished with long term use.


Oatstraw, like the grain itself, is extremely high in organic calcium.


Able to rebuild bones it also increases bone density, including bone marrow.


The marrow of the bone is responsible for the production of the majority of blood cells, meaning Oatstraw is instrumental in preventing anemia and postpartum hemorrhage.


During pregnancy, the natural rise in cholesterol is facilitated smoothly, especially when combined with nettle.


Calcium is responsible for the enzymatic process by which nutrients are laid down in the muscle.


Oatstraw's very high level improves muscle tone throughout the body, reducing leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, and heart palpations while improving digestion and elimination.


Improving muscle tone allows the cardiovascular system to function more vigorously, thus improving circulation to the uterus and placenta and pre-born infant.


Other Uses:


With the high levels of the B Vitamin, it works directly on the brain and endocrine system.


Oatstrawy reduces nervous disability, anxiety, and epilepsy.


Consistent use has shown remarkable improvement in memory, calmness, and sensitivity.


The mineral content of Oatstraw lowers blood sugar and cholesterol over time and consistent use.


Oatstraws very high levels of silicic acid are responsible for its' international frame of skin disorders, such as acne, and relief from topical inflammations such as chicken pox and poison ivy.


Oatstraw is frequently found in herbal formulas as a "base herb". 


Side Note:

Oatstraw is a grass and thus from the grain family, a food group that can cause serious reactions in people with gluten sensitivities.


Although there have been reports of reactions from Oatstraw, they are very rare.


The dried green straw seems to not affect sensitive individuals to the same degree as the oat grain itself and is most often used without aggravation by those who cannot tolerate oats.


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