100% Organic Herbal Pregnancy Tea!!!
The optimal blend of herbs that are both toning and nourishing to prepare your body and uterus for childbirth.
The short version of how these herbs help!
This blend is highly recommended to drink throughout your entire pregnancy!
***6 week supply***
$18.99 with FREE SHIPPING
Below are the herbs in this blend, click on the herb to learn more about what it does!
Unlike pills, liquids are a natural food for the body and are a great deal easier to digest.
Note: These individual herbs are considered safe, and as it is true for food, some people may have sensitivities. Should you be concerned about this you can test each herb by itself to confirm you will not be sensitive as a whole.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition.